Customs and Import Tax

Customers are responsible for custom and import tax that may apply. To find out more information about customs charges, please see below for details.  

Will I pay tax on my dress?

Yes, tax applies to all Christina Rossi Gowns.

If the shipping location is not within Australia, you are automatically considered an importer. This means the package will likely be held in customs upon its arrival in your country, waiting for you to pay the duty and taxes due. 


For shipments to the Canada & United States - 10-15% customs charge for goods over US$800. 


Please contact your local customs department for further information.


Custom charge for UK shipments must be paid upon delivery and could amount to as much as 20-30% for goods over US$800. 


Custom charge may incur due at delivery.

***As customs regulations differ from country to country, we advise you to contact your local customs department for further information. To proceed with the import duty payment, please contact your local courier or, if offered, proceed with their online payment. ***

Get in touch

Have questions about your order, or a general enquiry?